Attributes of Person (physical)
- Annual gross earnings ? (GrossAnnualEarningsAmount )
- Birthplace - coded ? (BirthPlaceCode )
- Civil status ? (MaritalStatusCode : CivilStatusType )
- Company manager category ? (CEOCategoryText )
- Date of birth ? (BirthDate )
- Date of cohabitation ? (CohabitationStartDate )
- Date of death ? (DeceasedDate )
- Date of first child's birth ? (FirstChildBirthDate )
- Date of marriage ? (WeddingDate )
- Date of removal ? (RemovalDate )
- Engaged in risk-bearing activity ? (RiskActivityIndicator : PersonActivityRiskType )
- First child born during reference period ? (FirstChildBornIndicator : FirstChildBornInReferencePeriodIndicator )
- Isolated person ? (SinglePersonIndicator : PersonIsolatedIndicator )
- Letter's beginning form of address ? (LetterStartCourtesyFormulaCode : CorrespondentStartAdresseeType )
- Letter's end form of address ? (LetterEndCourtesyFormulaCode : CorrespondentEndAdresseeType )
- Living under the same roof ? (LivingTogetherIndicator : PersonLivingInIndicator )
- Name extension ? (NameExtension )
- National register number ? (PhysicalPersonNationalRegistrationIdentifier )
- National Registration condition - code ? (NationalRegistrationConditionCode )
- Newlyweds ? (NewlyWedIndicator : PersonMarriedRecentlyIndicator )
- Number of children ? (ChildrenCount )
- Official familyname ? (FamilyName )
- Official givenname ? (FirstGivenName )
- Official second givenname ? (SecondGivenName )
- Partner, official givenname ? (SpouseGivenName )
- Pension number ? (PensionFundRegistrationNumber )
- Person lives in home ? (PartyFormsFamilyIndicator : PersonInFamilyIndicator )
- Pharmacist - National Health Insurer's file ? (PharmacistIndicator : PersonPharmacistConventionIndicator )
- Place of birth ? (BirthPlaceText )
- Risk class (activity) ? (RiskActivityClassCode : ActivityRiskClassType )
- Senior citizen ? (ThirdAgeIndicator : PersonSeniorIndicator )
- Sex ? (GenderCode : PersonGenderType )
- Social status ? (SocialStatusCode : PersonSocialStatusType )
- Spouse, official family name ? (SpouseFamilyName )
- The party is an EU national. ? (EUCitizenIndicator : PersonEUNationalityIndicator )
- The party is employed by NATO or SHAPE. ? (NATOOrSHAPEEmploymentIndicator : PersonNatoShapeIndicator )
- The party obtained a handicapped specific VAT-regime ? (DisabledTaxSchemeApplicableIndicator : PersonAdversaryDisabilityIndicator )
- Third official givenname ? (ThirdGivenName )
- Title text ? (TitleName )
- Title code ? (TitleCode : PolicyHolderTitleType )
- Touring Club Belgium membership ? (TouringClubBelgiumTypeCode : MembershipTouringClubType )
- Unrefunded period maintained above 60 years ? (OwnRiskTermAfter60ConservationIndicator : CoverTermOwnriskMaintained60PlusIndicator )

Person (physical) associates to :
- Document (Document ) -jump